Transfer Application Process

At New College, it’s all about personal attention. So, before you get too far into the process of transferring, you are encouraged to set up a quick meeting with the Transfer Admissions Counselor, or attend one of our in-person or virtual events

Get your 30-minute appointment scheduled today for an in-person, phone, or Zoom meeting at a time and format that works for you here. We look forward to hearing from you!

Fall Admissions Deadlines for Transfer Students

Application DeadlineNotification DatesDeposit Deadline
April 1 –  Priority DeadlineRollingJune 1
July 1 – Final DeadlineWithin 2 weeks of completion July 26

Spring Admissions Deadlines for Transfer Students

Application DeadlineNotification DatesDeposit Deadline
November 1 – Priority Deadline
November 15 – Final Deadline
RollingJanuary 5

*All required materials must be received by New College Admissions in order to receive a decision. Please plan ahead to make sure we get all of your materials on time!

Application Process

Students submitting a transfer application must complete a minimum of 1 college credit prior to the semester of entry after completing high school (this excludes dual/concurrent enrollment, AP, IB, or AICE exam credit). Potential transfers are expected to have a cumulative GPA of at least 2.60. Transfers must be in good standing and eligible to return to their previous post secondary institution as a degree-seeking student.

Please note: New College of Florida requires full-time enrollment and offers a traditional learning environment; evening, weekend, or online courses are not regularly offered

  • Complete the New College Application (no application fee required).
  • Official transcripts: one for each school attended high school through college, and GED transcripts if applicable.
  • SAT, ACT, or CLT scores, or possess 30+ transferable semester hours and have completed with a grade of “C” or better both a college level math and English course.
  • Essay response to prompt, or self-selected essay, or personal statement (required)
  • Letters of Recommendation are encouraged, but not required.

Students applying with an AA/AS or BA/BS degree may contact Admissions at (941) 487-5000 or [email protected] to inquire about waivers for certain materials.

International students have additional requirements which can be found here.

Applications are reviewed on a rolling basis, roughly in the order they are deemed complete. Our admission committee typically begins reviewing applications in mid-October, and decisions are typically reached within 3 weeks of an application being completed. Decisions are released frequently through the fall, spring, and summer.

New College evaluates all candidates using a holistic model and considering multiple factors to help reach admission decisions

New College has developed specific academic pathways and has guaranteed admission programs and articulation agreements with select schools in Florida and around the US. Learn more here

Once admitted, the Office of the Registrar will complete a preliminary transfer credit evaluation, which will be sent to you through your Transfer Coordinator. Students will receive this information before they are required to submit an enrollment deposit, if the application is complete by the posted deadline. A minimum of 4 semesters (two years), 2 Independents Study Projects, and a Capstone Project must be completed at New College in order to earn a degree. New College accepts transferable coursework related to areas of study offered at New College with a grade of C or better, which is non-developmental.

For more information, please review New College’s transfer credit policy.

Official College Board (SAT) or American College Testing Program (ACT) scores must be reported on your official school transcript(s) or submitted directly to our office by the testing service using codes #5506 (SAT) or #0750 (ACT). CLT scores can be sent directly to New College by logging in at and selecting New College.

If you have already graduated high school and you expect to earn the AA from another Florida public college or university before the term you are applying to enter, please ask your admissions counselor if the SAT/ACT requirement can be waived.

*We are unable to accept faxed standardized test scores as official.

Next Steps After Your Offer of Admission

You’re In! And now that you’ve been admitted, there are a few things you should consider prior to enrolling. If you need help navigating these next steps, we encourage you to reach out to your Transfer Counselor.

Be sure you log-in to your Application Status Page and complete your Enrollment Status Form to notify us of your decision to enroll or decline your offer, and to make arrangements for your seat deposit.

Scholarships: If you meet the posted scholarship requirements, you should receive your Scholarship award notification shortly after your acceptance. Be sure to check your admitted student email account as well as your personal email account for notifications, information, and updates. View scholarships available to transfer students. 

Need-Based Financial Aid: To be considered for grants (such as the Pell), work-study programs, and low-interest student and parent loans, families must provide financial information through the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). Be sure to create your Federal Student Aid ID before you get started with your FAFSA. For more information, please refer to the Financial Aid website.

Financial Aid Offers: If you qualify for financial aid, you will receive a comprehensive financial aid offer from New College. Financial aid notifications will be delivered through your student email and U.S. mail. Once you receive your financial aid information, be sure to review it carefully. If you are considering financial aid and scholarship offers from other universities and would like a side-by-side (apples-to-apples) comparison, our Financial Aid department would be glad to do that.

New College is a residential college, and as such all students are encouraged to reside on campus, where they will have an array of housing options, and purchase a meal plan from the College’s food service provider, if applicable. Students who: (1) transfer to New College with 60+ credit hours; or, (2) who earn 60 combined hours of credit may waiver from living on campus. Students may be released from on-campus housing if they meet one of the following exemptions:

  • Are 24 years of age or older.
  • Married; or living locally while pregnant or with minor children.
  • Military Veteran with two years of active service.
  • Students living within the bounds of either Sarasota or Manatee County with a parent, legal guardian or another family member who has resided in Sarasota or Manatee County for the past 6 months.
  • Medical disability that cannot be reasonably accommodated with on-campus housing
  • Such other case where the Vice-President of Student Affairs determines in writing that it is in the best interest of the student to accommodate a request to live off campus.

If you wish to appeal the stated policy based on extenuating circumstances, or for more information, contact the office of Residential Life.

Questions? Contact Your Counselor

Contact your transfer admissions counselor.

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